Marlex Elbows (M x F) - Alwasail Products

Marlex Elbows (M x F)

Marlex Swing Joint and Marlex Elbows (M x F) are suitable for turf and landscape application. Ideal for connecting sprinklers and bubblers. The swing joint is easy to adjust its height and angle.

Description Nom. Size
Inch x Inch
Code Quantity 
Per Carton
BSP Male x BSP Female
Inch x Inch
1/2″ x 1/2″ WS-EG12FM 700 10.28
3/4″ x 3/4″ WS-EG34FM 400 9.00
1″ x 1″ WS-EG10FM 200 8.50
PP Rigid Riser / Pipe Nipple


رقم المنتج المقاس
WS-EG1/2" x 1/2"


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