Epoxy-coated Steel Screen Filters - Alwasail Products

Epoxy-coated Steel Screen Filters

Epoxy-coated Steel Screen Filters

Whether you are managing a golf course, running a farm or just being a backyard weekend warrior, our line of Turf and Agriculture Products are designed for industrial and general-purpose to keep your lawn and garden well maintained at home, business, or farms.

Description Item Code Quantity
(Per Carton)
Steel Screen Filter 3″ (120 mesh) WS-1630SF
Steel Screen Filter 4″ (120 mesh) WS-1640SF
Steel Screen Filter 6″ (120 mesh) WS-1660SF
Replaceable Filter Element WS-SF


Max Operating Pressure = 8 Bar

Size (inch) 3″ 4″ 6″
Flow (m³/hr) 36 72 125


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