Reducing Nipple (M x M) - Alwasail Products

Reducing Nipple (M x M)

Reducing Nipple (M x M)

Alwasail poly-threaded fittings are made from tough engineering materials. These are suitable for drinking water systems, any kinds of irrigation systems, and other applications. Alwasail has included in its production line a wide range of threaded fittings.

Materials: Black Polypropylene
Connection: BSP Thread
Working Pressure: 6 Bar

For the complete information about this product. Please refer to Alwasail PP Threaded Datasheet.

Description Nom. Dia 
(Inch x Inch)
Code Quantity Per Carton Weight Kgs
Male x Male 3/4″ x 1/2″ WS-NR3412 850 9.10
1″ x 1/2″ WS-NR1012 500 11.20
1″ 3/4″ WS-NR1034 500 12.50
1 1/2″ x 1″ WS-NR1510 250 10.25
2″ x 1/2″ WS-NR2015 120 12.75
3″ x 2″ WS-NR3020 60 8.50
4″ x 3″ WS-NR4030 30 8.10



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