Leaching Dripline - Alwasail Products

Leaching Dripline

Leach Line is a pressure-compensated dripper designed for superior uniform leaching, even on sloping terrain in severe solution quality. Leach Line guarantees a uniform flow of solution from the top of the pad to the bottom of the slope.

فئة : التعدين


Leach Line is a pressure-compensated dripper designed for superior uniform leaching, even on sloping terrain in severe solution quality. Leach Line guarantees a uniform flow of solution from the top of the pad to the bottom of the slope.

  • The option for an anti-migration mechanism stops water from running down the tube, preventing bottom pooling.
  • Made from UV and acid-resistant polyethylene tubing; the highest quality resins available.


  • On-surface or subsurface applications of heap leaching on flat terrain and slopes.
  • Pad slopes.
  • When high uniformity and longer runs are required.

Benefits & Features

  • Pressure Compensation: Ensures uniform drip per flow rate from each dripper outlet over a wide pressure range (up to 4.0 bar).
  • Continuous Self-flushing: Flushes debris throughout operation, ensuring uninterrupted dripper operation.
  • Self-flushing System: Wide filtration area improves resistance to clogging.
  • TurboNet Labyrinth: Assures wide water passages with large deep and wide cross-sections to improve clog resistance.
  • Water Drawing: Water is drawn into the dripper from the center of the stream, ensuring continuous filter flushing.
  • Longer Runs: Steep topographies are irrigated with high uniformity.
  • Seamless Construction: One-piece construction prevents damage to drippers during installation and retrieval.
  • Low CV: Low coefficient of variability (CV).

Flow Chart

Flow Chart Leaching Dripline

Thabit Emitter Technical Data

Nominal Flow Rate Constant K (bar) Exponent (X) Coefficient of Variation (%) Water Passage WxDxL (mm) Filtration Area (mm²) Mesh/Micron
1 1 0 3.9 0.82 x 0.79 x 139 37.37 150/100
1.5 1.5 0 3.6 1.6 x 0.85 x 132 37.37 150/100
2 1.9 0 3.8 1.8 x 0.88 x 93.5 37.37 120/130
2.4 2.3 0 3.8 1.19 x 0.90 x 89.6 37.37 120/130
3.8 3.6 0 3.9 1.30 x 0.90 x 78.7 37.37 120/130

Round Pipe Dimensions

Nominal Diameter Inner Diameter Wall Thickness MM
16 mm 13.8 mm 0.7
17 mm 16.1 mm 0.8
18 mm 15.7 mm 0.9
20 mm 17.6 mm 1.0
25 mm 24.7 mm 1.1

Flat Pipe Dimensions

Nominal Diameter Inner Diameter Wall Thickness MM
17 mm 16.1 mm 8
22 mm 21.2 mm 10
17 mm 16.1 mm 12
22 mm 21.2 mm 15
17 mm 16.1 mm 18
22 mm 21.2 mm 24
17 mm 16.1 mm 36
22 mm 21.2 mm 36


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