RootCell Pavement Support System - Alwasail Products

RootCell Pavement Support System

RootCell Pavement Support System

The Alwasail RootCell Pavement Support System ensures healthy tree growth by providing ample, uncompacted soil volume and over 97% open void space for roots. Made from 100% recycled materials, it is designed for easy transport and is ideal for urban environments.


For over a quarter of a century, ALWASAIL Urban has been working to ensure that every tree, wherever planted, has the chance to achieve species potential. Now, we are closer than ever to arriving at this objective, and it is very clear that the provision of uncompacted soil volume provided for the tree is probably the most critical single element in achieving long term establishment.

Urban trees are in an environment that is endemically hostile to where they would like to be, a forest floor, away from the demands and below ground competition of the urban environment. ALWASAIL RootCell soil cell system replicates the forest floor scenario as closely as possible by providing the tree with the uncompacted, aerated soil that’s crucial to its long term health, whilst working around services and below ground constraints, marrying the needs of the built environment and the arboricultural needs of the tree.


  • Particulate levels on tree-lined streets can be up to 60% lower than those without trees.
  • A single mature tree absorbs carbon at a rate of 47.5 lbs (21.6 kg) per year.
  • For every 5% of tree cover, stormwater runoff is reduced by 2%.
  • Few things can compare with the visual impact and seasonal interest that trees bring to an urban environment.
  • A series of international third-party studies have shown that trees increase property prices by between 5% to 18%.
  • Research has indicated that a 10% increase in tree canopy was associated with roughly a 12% decrease in crime.
  • A 10% increase in urban green space can postpone the onset of health problems by up to 5 years.
  • Students who have a green window view recover from mental fatigue faster and thus pay attention for longer.


Alwasail Rootcell Pavement aSupport PhotoALWASAIL RootCell pavement support system is an engineered load-bearing soil cell with over 97% open void space for maximum rooting volume as well as the ability to accommodate services.

ALWASAIL RootCell G2 is manufactured from 100% recycled material, designed to be economic freight and is the culmination of more than 27 years experience in helping establish trees in complex urban environments.

The new generation of ALWASAIL RootCell is launched with a 16” (400mm) high option to suit a greater spread of situations.


  • Optimum conditions for soil biology increasing root growth & tree health.
  • Very fast, simple and easy to assemble reducing installation time & costs.
  • Designed for easy integration, and re-excavation for maintenance of utilities.
  • Minimum excavation depths required.
  • Can be used close to roadways due to world leading lateral performance.


Code Description Height Width Breadth
GBURAC600A RootSpace 600 Upright 24” (600mm) 20” (500mm) 4” (90mm)
GBURAC500A RootSpace Airflow Lid 3” (75mm) 20” (500mm) 20” (500mm)
GBURSP65A RootSpace 600 Infill 21” (527mm) 13” (334mm) 2” (40mm)
GBURAC400B RootSpace 400 Upright 16” (400mm) 20” (500mm) 3” (75mm)
GBURAC500B RootSpace Airflow Lid 3” (75mm) 20” (500mm) 20” (500mm)
GBURSP45PB RootSpace 400 Infill 13” (327mm) 13” (334mm) 2” (40mm)

Material 100% recycled HDPE

Alwasail Rootcell Pavement aSupport Photo


Load bearing capacity of ALWASAIL RootCell pavement support system is a complex science. It is common to interpret the actual breaking point of structural products as the ultimate allowable wheel load. Engineers employed by ALWASAIL allow a factor of safety by basing calculations on loadings before undue displacement occurs.


RootSpace Configuration Vertical Crushing Load
kN/m2 tonne/m2
G2 400: 475mm units (single height) 434.0 (63 psi) 44.3
G2 400: 875mm units (double height) 297.7 (43 psi) 30.4
G2 600: 675mm units (single height) 308.0 (45 psi) 31.4
G2 600: 1275mm units (double height) 285.7 (41 psi) 29.1

Alwasail Rootcell Pavement aSupport Photo


RootSpace Configuration Horizontal Crushing Load
kN/m2 tonne/m2 Psi/m2
G2 400: 875mm units (double height) Loaded on side – with side panels 139.4 14.2 20
G2 600: 1275mm units (double height) Loaded on side – with side panels 56.5 5.8 8


Extensive compression testing of ALWASAIL RootCell units has been carried out at highly reputable independent testing laboratories. The complete test of each size and configuration is repeated several times to ensure reliability of data and confirm consistency of the unit’s structural performance.

Alwasail Rootcell Pavement aSupport Photo


Guidelines given in the DMRB HD24 HD26:

Pavement Design and Construction, require the design of road surfacing and layer works to be based principally on a traffic assessment figures. These are expressed in terms of million standard (80kN) axle loads (msa) to be carried during the design life of the construction. This traffic loading together with the quality of the subgrade dictates the selection of the surfacing and depth of a road pavement required.

The dispersal of wheel loads carried by buried structures depends on the type and depth of road layer works selected. Subbase layers are normally made up of compacted gravel. Surfacing layers are typically bituminous macadam, reinforced concrete or block pavers. The wheel load “footprint” on the road surface may be assumed to disperse further through the materials as shown in the table:

Material Angle of load spread
Reinforced concrete 1.5 horiz. to 1 vertical
Bituminous macadam 1.0 horiz. to 1 vertical
Unreinforced concrete 1.0 horiz. to 1 vertical

Alwasail Rootcell Pavement aSupport Photo


RootSpace configuration Height Subbase DTp Type 1 depth Macadam depth * * Total depth
400 single 19″ (475mm) 6″ (150mm) 6″ (150mm) 12″ (300mm)
600 single 27″ (675mm) 12″ (300mm) 6″ (150mm) 18″ (450mm)
400 + 400 35″ (875mm) 12″ (300mm) 6″ (150mm) 18″ (450mm)
400 + 600 43″ (1075mm) 13″ (325mm) 6″ (150mm) 19″ (475mm)
600 + 600 51″ (1275mm) 13″ (325mm) 6″ (150mm) 19″ (475mm)

* Total depth of bound bituminous layers (Minimum construction depths for a full range of wheel loads are available separately)

ALWASAIL RootCell Configurations

Alwasail Rootcell Pavement aSupport Photo


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