Male Threaded Elbow - شركة الوسائل الصناعية

Male Threaded Elbow

With over 30 years of experience in industrial distribution service with irrigation pipes, SRP Rubber, Alwasail’s affiliate company, offers a variety of customized rubber grommets, and we stock hundreds of custom-made grommets of different sizes and other rubber components to meet our customers’ specific demand.

Description Nom. Dia 
mm x inch
Code Quantity Per Carton Weight
Tail to BSP male
(mm x inch)
17 x 1/2″ WS – TL – E17G12M 800 7.30
17 x 3/4″ WS – TL – E17G34M 600 6.35
17 x 1″” WS – TL – E17G10M 500 5.20
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